08-02-18 | AutoShowDown

We went to the Toronto International Auto Show on Monday... Pretty much just for the excuse to take some pictures in a Camera-safe environment (It's been a long winter). Jess had hers, and I had mine... So in the immortal words of Maestro Fresh Wes... "This is a throw-down, a showdown, Hell no, I can't slow down, It's gonna go!"


Anonymous said...

You bastard - I'm not jealous at all! Nice pics bro ... looks like you had a good time.
Time for another survey perhaps?
#1: Audi R8
#2: Nissan GTR
#3: The Oxymoron - a Mini SUV

Anonymous said...

PS - You want to do what with my backbone? Grade 8 man - that's kickin' it ancient school!